Start your own business
Thinking about starting a business? Then you’re in good company: over a million people in Sweden have already done so. We can guide you along the way and offer some tips about what support you can get.
What does starting up on your own involve?
Starting your own business can be anything from being self-employed to having a larger company with many employees. Perhaps you have thought about selling your skills as a consultant? Or starting a cafe together with a friend? Realising your business ideas could be simpler than you think. And there’s plenty of help available.
Participate in our activities about starting your own business (in Swedish)
When you are self-employed…
- you become your own boss. You can do things your way and realise your own ideas.
- you look after customers, make business plans, handle the accounts and contact the authorities. If you don’t want to take all that on yourself you can get help, with the accounts, for example.
- you need to be prepared to keep track and take responsibility. Much of what you used to take for granted as an employee is now up to you. But at the same time, you are working towards your own goals – that’s a good motivation!
Support you can get
If you have a business idea from which you could make a living in the long run, you can, in some cases, get support from us. As many as 85 percent of those who have received support from us start a business that enables them to provide for themselves. We can offer:
- to get your business plan tested
- advice and information meetings
- start-up grants.
If you have a disability, you can also get a grant for expenses involved in starting your business.
What to do
Read more about what applies if you want to get support from us to start up on your own.
1 229 302
companies in Sweden (2023), of these
919 520
were sole proprietorships
260 337
were micro companies (1-9 employees)
Verksamt - for those who are starting or running businesses
Verksamt is the name of a resource where information, checklists and e-services are gathered from government agencies for starting or already running businesses.

Who does what?
With your own company, you will need to be in contact with various government agencies and other actors. Here are some good things to know and what roles they have. (the Swedish Tax Agency) handles declarations, VAT reporting and employer’s contributions, among other things. offers loans and business development to companies that have growth opportunities. (the Swedish Companies Registration Office) registers companies, approves company names and receives annual reports. (Swedish Customs) has information for those who import or export goods.