Where are the jobs?
Get tips on how to find jobs with the highest demand for new staff right now and how we can help you. You increase your chances of getting a job if you widen your job search geographically.
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Where to find work
There is a great need for labour in northern Sweden. Workers are needed in all areas, for example in restaurants, shops, healthcare, schools, the IT industry and the transport sector.
In the Job Bank (Platsbanken), you can search by area. Set an alert for your search and get notified by e-mail when available jobs come up that you are interested in.
All available jobs in the Job Bank (in Swedish)
Available jobs in the Job Bank that offer remote work (in Swedish)
Move to where the jobs are (in Swedish)
If you look for more jobs where your skills is needed, or jobs in another location, you increase the chance of getting a job.
Apply for compensation for your interview trip
You can receive compensation if you need to travel to a job interview. You can also get paid if you need to stay in a hotel in connection with the interview. Always check with us before you book travel and hotels.
Choose the right profession and education
We have gathered information on more than 300 professions so that you easily can find what interests you. Among other things, you can read about, future prospects, salary and where the jobs are.
Find an occupation (in Swedish)
In many places in the country, there are labour market training courses that are focused on industries with a shortage of labour. These courses can be a way for you to get a job in a new location.
How things work at a new location
Moving and working to a new location can be a big change. But there is help to get. On the municipalities' websites, you can read about housing, childcare and schools.
List of municipalities in Sweden (skr.se) (in Swedish)
These rules apply for deductions related to double housing in the case of employment in Sweden