When can I receive support or take part in a programme?
We offer several forms of support and programmes for people who are looking for work and who are registered with the Public Employment Service. After an individual assessment, we will make a decision on whether you are entitled to support or can participate in a programme, based on your particular needs.
Quick access to some common programmes and forms of support
Support and programmes that may suit you
Akademikertjänst korta vägen
This individual training programme prepares academics to find work in their field or to continue their studies.
Arbetsintegrerande övningsplatser
Support for those who have been outside the labour market for a long time, are uncertain about their work capacity and what jobs might suit them.
Labour market training, arbetsmarknadsutbildning, makes you more attractive on the relevant labour market. The training is often tailor made together with a specific employer and often leads directly to a job.
Do you need to gain work experience to increase your chances of getting a job? Then a work experience placement, arbetspraktik, could be right for you. Experience in a workplace can also be a useful option if you are preparing to start your own business.
Do you need to try to work to be able to start or return to work? If so, work training may be right for you. Work training involves supervised participation in the activities at a workplace.
Bidrag för personligt biträde
You can get support and help from a person at your workplace if you have reduced working capacity due to a disability. Your employer will then receive a grant to allocate staff for this.
Bidrag till hjälpmedel på arbetsplatsen
You can get a contribution for aids and facilities so that you can do your job. Your employer can also receive a contribution for aids and facilities or adaptation of your workplace.
Bidrag till uppstartskostnader vid start av näringsverksamhet
If you have a good business idea that could be profitable and have a disability that causes reduced working capacity, you can get a contribution for costs associated with starting up your business.
If you have been unemployed for an extended period or if you belong to a certain category of newcomer, you can get an labour market entry agreement (etableringsjobb) to make it easier to become established on the labour market.
A programme with activities, training and education for some newly-arrived immigrants so they can learn Swedish as quickly as possible, find a job and provide for themselves.
Employment service interventions are a programme for those who need support in finding a job or starting studies. A supervisor from one of our suppliers will be your support.
Förstärkt arbetsträning
Do you need to try out a job in order to find out what kind of work is right for you? With enhanced job training, you can have a job placement with supervised involvement in work.
Individuellt pedagogiskt stöd vid utbildning
You can get pedagogical support, as well as related aids and facilities, when you participate in some of our training and education programmes.
When you need help getting into the labour market. You can combine the introductory job with studies, which improves your own skills and meets employers' needs.
Jobbgarantin för ungdomar
A programme for those under the age of 25, offering, for example, support with job-seeking, an internship, or study and career guidance.
Jobb- och utvecklingsgarantin
A programme for those who have been unemployed for a long time and need help to return to working life.
At the career guidance service, you can get help from a study and career guidance worker to help you get started on the job market. The service is provided by our suppliers.
If you have reduced working capacity due to a disability, you can get a job that is tailored to your circumstances. At the same time, your employer can receive financial support for your wages.
If you have been unemployed for a long time or been away from working life, because of illness for example, a new start job gives you a chance to start again.
Projekt med arbetsmarknadspolitisk inriktning
There may be labour market policy projects in your area that we run together with others. If there is an appropriate project in your area, you may be invited to participate.
Rusta och matcha
Prepare and Match is a service for those who need extra support when applying for jobs. You pick a provider yourself and get a supervisor to help you on your journey to a job or education.
With a job at Samhall, you have the opportunity to develop your ability to work and your professional skills. You have support and supervision while there.
Särskild stödperson för introduktions- och uppföljningsstöd – SIUS
If you have a disability, you can get support and help when you are looking for a job or when you are new to a workplace. A support person will help you train for tasks and other things that are needed for you to get a job.
Skyddat arbete hos offentlig arbetsgivare
A specially adapted job for those who have a disability.
Starta eget, stöd till start av näringsverksamhet
If you are a job seeker and are well placed to run a business, you can in some cases get support and help when you start up your own business. At the start of the business, you receive a contribution in the form of activity support.
Steps to Work
For those who need help preparing, developing and equipping themselves for work or study or who need help finding a job.
Studiemotiverande kurs på folkhögskola
Try studying, discover your own driving forces and find your way forward to study or work. With activities for finding motivation, training in study techniques and with the focus on the core subjects, you will be better equipped to continue studying. This will improve your chances of getting a job
Studiestöd för utbildning på grundskole- och gymnasienivå
Having an upper-secondary education increases your chances of getting a job. Build on your basic education with support from us and other government agencies.
Studiestöd för utbildning på yrkeshögskola, högskola och universitet
To increase your chances of getting a job you can extend your competence with studies at university, university college or post upper secondary level. If you are new to Sweden and have a trade or profession where there is a great need for people there are even more opportunities.
Svenska för invandrare
If you are a new arrival in Sweden, on the Swedish for immigrants course you learn the basics of the Swedish language. The municipality where you are registered organises the course.
Uppdragsutbildningar för akademiker
Those who have taken academic examinations can complement these with courses in our procured training programmes, to make it easier to get work in your occupation or increase your chances of passing the theory test in a regulated profession.
Validation means that you have your competence and knowledge assessed. This applies to the knowledge you have acquired through studies, at work and in everyday life.
Yrkesintroduktion för personer med synnedsättning
If you have a visual impairment, a modification to suit your needs and conditions may be a path into the labour market.
Yrkesintroduktion för teckenspråkiga
For users of sign language who need help to get work, start their own business or start studies.
If you need to improve your knowledge of the Swedish language and have a clear occupational focus, you may be entitled to Swedish teaching that is adapted to your occupation.