Are you from Ukraine and looking for work?

Have you moved to Sweden due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine? Here, you can read about how to register as a jobseeker and what support we can provide you.

Different options for support

With support from the Temporary Protection Directive, as a refugee from Ukraine, you can receive a temporary residence permit in Sweden with the right to work.

Depending on how long you have been in Sweden and whether you may register in the Swedish Population Register, you may be eligible for different kinds of support from the Public Employment Service (Arbetsförmedlingen). To receive compensation, you must participate in a programme, be active, and participate in the activities that we decide on together.

The introduction programme (etableringsprogrammet) consists of individually tailored activities and support, while you are actively searching for a job. The programme is for people who are new in Sweden.

If you have a coordination number, you can begin the first phase (mapping) of the introduction programme if you meet other criteria for qualification. If you live in housing arranged by the Swedish Migration Agency (Migrationsverket), you may participate in the programme once you have registered in the Swedish Population Register and a municipality has accepted you.

You receive your compensation from the Public Employment Service (Arbetsförmedlingen) and the compensation is paid by the Swedish Social Insurance Agency (Försäkringskassan) afterwards. Read more about the compensation in Frequently Asked Questions.

Introduction programme

Labour market entry agreement

Labour market entry agreement (etableringsjobb) is a form of subsidized employment. If you've been unemployed for an extended period of time or fall into a specific category of newcomers, you may qualify for an etableringsjobb. In this scenario, you need to find an employer willing to hire you for an etableringsjobb position. This form of employment is temporary, lasting up to two years on a full-time basis with the employer who brings you on board. The aim for the etableringsjobb is to lead to a permanent position.

Introductory jobs

An introductory job is a job with a private or public employer that gives you the opportunity to enter working life. The company that employs you will also receive a subsidy for your salary. An introductory job can be either a permanent or a temporary job. You can also have a part-time introductory job if you have permanently reduced working capacity.

You can combine the introduction jobs (introduktionsjobb) with studies.

New Start Jobs

New Start Jobs give people who have been away from working life for a long time a chance to get back into it again. The company that employs you will also receive a subsidy for your salary. New Start Jobs can be permanent or temporary jobs and either full or part time. For an employer to be able to hire you with the help of a new start job, you must have been signed up and registered as unemployed for six months in a nine-month period.

Wage subsidy

If you have a disability, you can get a job that is adapted to your circumstances. Wage subsidy is a financial subsidy for your employer to compensate the employer for adapting the job and the workplace to your circumstances. You can work for both private and public employers. You can have a permanent or a temporary job and you can work either full time or part time.

You do not have access to support such as employment training, validation of competencies or work experience. Nor can you take part in the introduction programme, Youth Job Programme (jobbgarantin för ungdomar), or the Job and Development Programme (jobb- och utvecklingsgarantin).

Certain requirements must be met for each form of support. You can discuss which support works for you with an Employment Officer.

If you have registered in the Swedish Population Register based on grounds other than your residence permit, for example if you are a family member of an EU/EEA citizen, then you are eligible for some of our forms of support. You will have access to individual recruitment incentive, and some initiatives and programmes, but not to the introduction programme.

Certain requirements must be met for each form of support. You can discuss which support works for you with an Employment Officer.

How do I register as unemployed?


2 minutes 40 seconds

If you would like support in seeking a job in Sweden you can register with Arbetsförmedlingen.

What kind of jobs are available?


1 minute 34 seconds

There are many industries in Sweden that are recruiting personnel.

Sign up

If you want help looking for a job in Sweden, you can sign up (register) with the Public Employment Service.

If you already registered when you have had a residence permit, you do not need to register again upon becoming registered in the Swedish Population Register. However, you do need to contact us if you want to participate in the introduction programme. You have the right to an interpreter when interacting with the Public Employment Service.

Register with the Public Employment Service by visiting a National Government Service Centre.

National Government Service Centre

When you visit the National Government Service Centre, bring with you:

  • valid identification, such as a passport, and the residence permit or confirmation of application for extended residency that you received from the Swedish Migration Agency.
  • a coordination number (samordningsnummer ( If you have a coordination number, bring it with you. If you have not received a coordination number, you can apply for one at the National Government Service Centre. A coordination number confirms the identity of a person who is not listed in the Swedish Population Register.

Coordination number (samordningsnummer (

If you have a personal identity number, you can sign up online at the website of the Public Employment Service using BankID.

Planning meeting

Once you have signed up, you will be offered a planning meeting with an Employment Officer (in English or with an interpreter if needed).

At the meeting, you and the Employment Officer will go through, among other things:

  • your skills
  • what jobs you are looking for
  • what support you can receive from us
  • how to achieve your goals.

If you have access to your certifications and transcripts, do bring them to the planning meeting. It is possible to have your transcript translated.

Which form of support you can receive from the Public Employment Service depends largely on how long you have been in Sweden and whether you are registered in the Swedish Population Register.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, even if you are registered in the Swedish Population Register, you must apply to extend your residence permit. Read more on Swedish Migration Agency’s (Migrationsverket) website.

Extend your residence permit according to the Temporary Protection Directive (Swedish Migration Agency’s website)

If you are a participant in the introduction programme (etableringsprogrammet) and you have a temporary residence permit, and you do not apply to extend your residence permit in time, then you will no longer belong to the target group for the introduction programme, which means the programme will be revoked (stopped). You can receive new instructions for the programme if you get a new residence permit that results in you belonging to the target group for the introduction programme.

Revoking (cancellation) of the introduction programme means that the introduction benefit (etableringsersättning) and introduction-specific benefits (housing benefit and supplementary introduction benefit) will end.

When you have a coordination number, you are eligible for some support from the Public Employment Service, such as subsidised employment. When you are registered in the Swedish Population Register, you receive a personal identity number. In that case, you are eligible for more forms of support from the Public Employment Service, including the introduction programme.

Yes, if you meet the requirements for the introduction programme, you may begin the first phase (mapping) of the introduction programme, even if you only have a coordination number.

To participate in the introduction programme, you must be registered with the Public Employment Service, at least 20 years of age, but not yet 66 years of age, and have a residence permit that can provide grounds for registration in the Swedish Population Register. If you are working part time or are on parental leave part time with parental benefit, then you may participate part time. If you are working full time or are on parental leave full time with parental benefit, you may not participate in the programme.

If you have temporary protection, this involves a residence permit with the classification code T1 and TA (klassningskod T1 och TA). If you have had a residence permit in accordance with the Temporary Protection Directive for at least one year, and have been in Sweden during that time, then you can register in the Swedish Population Register. As of the date that you have been in Sweden for one year, you can register in the Swedish Population Register with the Swedish Tax Agency (Skatteverket) and can participate in the introduction programme, if other conditions are met.

You can access Swedish for Immigrants (SFI), take classes at a municipal adult education (komvux) facility or college, validate your training or professional skills, take a civic orientation class, have an internship at a workplace (work experience), and access support when applying for a job or if you are considering starting your own business. An interpreter is available if you need one.

You can participate in the programme for a period of 36 months from the time you registered in the Swedish Population Register in Sweden, or were accepted by a municipality. The length of the programme, including activities and compensation, is a maximum of 24 months.

If you are currently eligible to register in the Swedish Population Register, and if you are already registered with the Public Employment Service, then you need to contact us to participate in the introduction programme. Contact us by calling phone number 0771–416 416 or by visiting a National Government Service Centre. If you are not registered with the Public Employment Service, then you need to visit a National Government Service Centre for help with registration.

National Government Service Centre

If your housing was arranged by the Swedish Migration Agency, you can start participating in the programme once you have registered in the Swedish Population Register and a municipality has accepted you.

When you have been accepted by a municipality, you will no longer receive compensation from the Swedish Migration Agency (LMA compensation), and can receive the introduction benefit (etableringsersättning).

If you have arranged housing on your own, you can participate in the introduction programme before you are registered in the Swedish Population Register.

You may not participate in the introduction programme if your housing is:

  • Accommodation arranged by the Swedish Migration Agency (ABO) (Migrationsverket). This can be an ordinary flat with a private or municipal landlord.
  • Municipal accommodation: Housing arranged by the municipalities in accordance with the Reception of Asylum Seekers Act (LMA). Most people who are covered by the Temporary Protection Directive have or have had this form of housing.

You may participate in the introduction programme if you live in:

  • Your own housing (EBO). You do not need to wait to register in the Swedish Population Register and for a personal identity number to begin the introduction programme.
  • Accepted by a municipality: You must be accepted by a municipality to be in the introduction programme target group. This means that you have registered in the Swedish Population Register, stopped receiving compensation from the Swedish Migration Agency, and have been accepted by a municipality.

When you have registered in the Swedish Population Register, you are no longer entitled to financial support (daily allowance) from the Swedish Migration Agency. When participating in the introduction programme, you can apply for introduction benefit from the Swedish Social Insurance Agency instead. The Swedish Migration Agency pays the daily allowance in advance, while the Swedish Social Insurance Agency pays the introduction benefit one month later. This means there may be a gap between the last daily allowance payment and the first introduction benefit payment.

You are only entitled to financial assistance from the municipality when you are registered in the Swedish Population Register. You can then apply for financial assistance from the municipality if it is hard for you to support yourself or your family.

Read more at Information Sverige.

If you are from Ukraine and have had a residence permit with temporary protection for two years (

The introduction benefit is currently about SEK 6,800 per month if you participate full time. When you have received a decision on the first phase (mapping), you receive SEK 231 per day (5 days per week) in introduction benefit. When you have a personal identity number, you may participate in activities, and then the introduction benefit is SEK 308 per day if you participate full time. If you participate part time, you receive less money.

You do not pay tax on the introduction benefit. The benefit can be paid out five days per week maximum.

Supplementary introduction benefit for children living with you

In addition to the introduction benefit, a household with children at home can receive between SEK 800 and a maximum of SEK 4,500 per month.

For children aged 0–10, you receive SEK 800 per month. For older children, you receive SEK 1,500 per month. You may receive the supplementary introduction benefit for children for three children at most. This means the supplementary introduction benefit for children can be a maximum of SEK 4,500 per month.

Housing compensation for individuals

If you are paying more than SEK 1,800 per month for your housing, you may receive housing compensation. You may receive up to SEK 3,900 per month.

Read more on the Swedish Social Insurance Agency’s website.

Compensation for participants in the introduction programme with the Public Employment Service – Swedish Social Insurance Agency (

Find vacancies

Vacancies that employers report to Arbetsförmedlingen can be found in our job database Platsbanken.

Search for work in Platsbanken (listings in Swedish)

Search for avaliable New Start Jobs (nystartsjobb) (in Swedish)