Before the planning meeting
Once you have registered with us, the next step is to plan what you need to do in order to find a job or begin to study as soon as possible. Your first meeting with us is a planning meeting, at which we will make an action plan together. It is important to prepare for the meeting.
What happens at the planning meeting?
The conversation usually takes place via phone. During the call, we will discuss:
- your skills and what jobs you are looking for
- the state of the labour market for the jobs you are looking for
- where in the country you can apply for jobs and how many to apply for
- what activities you need to do in order to quickly find a job or begin to study
- what support you may need.
We will also go through whether you have a need for additional support, for example if you have a disability, a particular diagnosis, or a health problem. If so, we will assess what support you need in order to look for jobs and work.
Help for jobseekers with a disability or illness
We create an action plan for your job search
The employment officer summarises the conversation in an action plan that you can find on My pages (Mina sidor). We update the action plan if your activities or needs for support change. If you receive support from one of our suppliers, we will share the action plan with them.
När du inte behöver ett planeringssamtal
Om du vet att du ska börja arbeta eller studera inom tre månader, behöver du inget planeringssamtal. Då använder du endast våra digitala tjänster och får en automatiskt skapad handlingsplan utifrån den information du gett vid inskrivningen. Den hittar du på Mina sidor.
Förbered dig inför planeringssamtalet
- Fundera på vad du vill jobba med och uppdatera ditt cv. Vilka jobb kan du tänka dig att söka direkt?
- Behöver du komplettera din utbildning eller dina erfarenheter? Tänk igenom dina mål, och hur vägen till ett jobb kan se ut. Skriv ner dina tankar om nästa steg.
- Tänk också igenom och skriv ner vilka frågor du har till oss.
You can do this before the planning meeting
Find the best approach to starting your job search. At, you can find lots of useful information to support you in your goals.
Have you included all information?
Review the information you provided when you registered. Check that you included your education, previous jobs and relevant skills. Log in at My pages (Mina sidor) and choose Update qualifications (Komplettera meriter). There you can complete the information before the planning meeting to make our meeting more efficient.
If you need to reschedule the planning meeting
If you cannot attend your first planning meeting, for example due to a job interview or work, you must reschedule the time. You can do this when you are logged in to My pages (Mina sidor). If you want to cancel the time, if you are sick or caring for a child, you must call us to let us know that you cannot come, and get a new time.