Forms and certificates

Common forms and certificates for job seekers.

You log in to your unemployment insurance fund to apply for benefit or to provide information about any changes that might affect the benefit. If you cannot use the digital service, contact your unemployment insurance fund and request a form.

Apply for benefit from the unemployment insurance fund ( (in Swedish)

Were you an employee before you became unemployed? If so, your previous employer must complete an employer's certificate, so that the unemployment insurance fund can perform its calculations.

Employer's certificate ( (in Swedish)

If you are unemployed, you can apply to take your Swedish unemployment benefit with you to look for work in another country in the EU, EEA or Switzerland. In this case, you need Certificate U2 from the IAF (Swedish Unemployment Insurance Board).

Certificate for jobseeking in the EU ( (in Swedish)

Every month, you must submit an activity report (aktivitetsrapport) of your activities over the past month. Submit your activity report between the 1st and 14th of each month.It is easiest to report your activities on our website. To do that, you must log in using your e-identification (such as mobile BankID).

If you do not have e-identification, you can fill in the form Activity Report (Aktivitetsrapport) on a computer, print it, and post it to us. The address is on the form. If you do not have a computer or printer, you can use one at a service office.

Remember to send the form well in advance so that it reaches us by the 14th of the month. You may also drop off the form at a service office. You may not send the form via email.

Activity Report Pdf, 418 kB.

When you take part in our support or programmes you can receive payment in the form of activity grant, development allowance or introduction benefit. You apply for compensation once a month from Försäkringskassan:

Apply for benefit from Försäkringskassan ( (in Swedish)

If you have worked and met certain working conditions, this can affect how many days you are suspended for. Your unemployment insurance fund calculates whether you have met certain working conditions. Use this form and send it to your unemployment insurance fund:

Request from the unemployment benefit office (a-kassa) for proof of fulfilment of a work requirement (in Swedish) Pdf, 1012 kB.

Have you received a letter saying that you could receive a warning or be suspended from activity support (aktivitetsstöd), development allowance (utvecklingsersättning) or introduction benefit (etableringsersättning)? You have the opportunity to submit information before we make a final decision:

Submit additional information before a decision on a warning or suspension (in Swedish)

If you are not satisfied with a decision we have made, you can request that we reconsider the decision:

Request reconsideration of a decision (in Swedish)

If you are a state employee and you are registered with Trygghetsstiftelsen, you can apply for special early retirement benefit in certain cases. You must have made the decision to apply for special early retirement benefit together with your adviser at Trygghetsstiftelsen. For the application, you will need specific documents and an assessment by the Swedish Public Employment Service of your job market situation. You can find the form for this here.

Documentation for applying for special early retirement benefit (in Swedish) Pdf, 407 kB.

This form is for those who wish another person to be their representative in contact with Arbetsförmedlingen.

Authorisation for a representative (in Swedish)

When you have found an employer who wants to hire you for an introduction job and you are in agreement, apply for the introduction job. Fill in the form and submit it to us.

Apply for an introduction job Pdf, 985 kB.

For the application to be complete, the employer must submit information about their business and your position in an employer certificate.

Employer certificate for introduction job Pdf, 412 kB.