When you are participating in a programme

The Public Employment Service (Arbetsförmedlingen) offers registered jobseekers different forms of support and programmes. Here, we explain what applies when you are participating in a programme. For example, you must notify us that you are sick on the first day of sickness in order to keep your compensation during your sickness absence.

Compensation when participating in a programme

After an assessment, the Public Employment Service determines whether you have the right to participate in a programme. If the Public Employment Service has decided on a programme, you apply for activity support (aktivitetsstöd), development allowance (utvecklingsersättning), or introduction benefit (etableringsersättning) from the Swedish Social Insurance Agency (Försäkringskassan).

Activity support and development allowance

Introduction benefit – when participating in the introduction programme (etableringsprogrammet)

Good to know when you have compensation

When participating in programmes, you must comply with the conditions so that you do not risk having your compensation suspended for one or more days.

Conditions for compensation in a programme

Notify us of absence

You must notify us on the first day you are sick or caring for a sick child and are unable to participate in your programme. If you need to be off, you must contact us first for approval.

Notify us of absence when you are sick

Notify us of absence to care for a sick child (VAB)

Report activities – every month

Each month, you must report to us what activities you have completed to get closer to finding a job. Submit the report some time between the 1st and 14th of every month.

How to report your activities

Compensation for travel

You can apply for a grant for the costs of travel and accommodation when attending a job interview located in another area, or if you are participating in a programme that is based in a location to which you cannot commute every day.

Compensation for travel costs and accommodation

Insurance and compensation for damage

When participating in a programme, in some cases you are covered by personal and group life insurance through the Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency (Kammarkollegiet) and the National Government Employee Pensions Board (Statens Pensionsverk). The insurance does not apply when you are participating in support for starting a business. If you have accidentally caused damage, the organiser may apply for compensation.

Insurance and compensation for damage

Frequently asked questions

Watch videos in which we answer common questions and discuss what applies when you are participating in a programme (Subtitels in English).

Ersättning – så funkar det när jag deltar i program


2 minutes 43 seconds

När du har fått ett beslut och ska delta i något av Arbetsförmedlingens program behöver du själv ansöka om ersättning hos Försäkringskassan.